Good Sexually Explicit Material Guides

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So why do men watch porn? The answer is not as simple when you may think. Plenty of people immediately think it's because men like, want, or are "obsessed" with sex. Those are several of the reasons they are drawn to porn, although not the real factors why men watch it.

It's not uncommon for women to believe that why their man watches porn has something to do with them. For example their not being attractive enough, good enough in bed, x rated movie (i was reading this) or that he doesn't love them any more. While any of these could possibly be true, these are not usually the real reasons men look at porn as you'll see below.

Understanding the reasons why men watch porn is not as important as knowing the negative effects of looking at porn. Both men and women often believe that "all guys watch porn" (not true) and therefore it has to be okay (it isn't). Watching porn negatively affects the guy watching it, as it does his partner, who usually feels he is cheating (Find out what women think about porn).

Before we go further into the negative affects, let's first get back to exactly why men watch porn. Here are some reasons from the article, Why Men Use Porn and What Women (and Men) Need to know About It, by my colleague, Jed Diamond, Ph.D.