How To Increase Your Vertical Jump In Two Weeks

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In an athletes' quest to improve vertical jump, it is really important that one should undergo vertical jump training. If the athlete is not ready for depth jumps, they can do a regression from a depth jump, like a tuck jump or a jump variation, that will start to develop that tolerance to the stretch load. As additional weight on your legs, your leg muscles will face more resistance when employed, which will make them work harder and grow.

When performing exercises to help improve jumping ability, make sure that the number of repetitions that you do is far beyond your current physical limits. Similar to improvement in jumping, ankle weights provide extra muscle strength for running. And if you want to increase the height of your volleyball block jump, then you should practice more reps jumping up to block.

This exercise increases the power of your legs. Work these exercises several times a week and you will see significant improvement in your vertical jump. Many athletes make the mistake of focusing too much on bulk strength but without ever learning how to apply that strength to their jump.

With more stability, you will also be able to move more weight in your jumps. Attention should be paid to developing limit strength in the muscles of the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and lower back as these are the most important muscle groups for sprinting and jumping.

Also, there was a high correlation between the Power Clean exercise and vertical jump. If you don't have a strong squat, depth jumps can be dangerous, so feel free to skip this vertical jump exercise until you're ready. I'm offering you the chance to try VJT 2.0 out risk free like this because I know the program can really help you add inches to your vertical jump and you'll see that once you have access.

You also need to work on your flexibility because flexible muscles will jump higher, and they are less likely to get injured. If you already do some strength training and are pushed for time, add some dynamic weight training exercises to your routine (see below).